Thursday, November 3, 2011

What Has Been and What Shall Never Be

So, I was doing a search on Bing (the default engine at work) and it has the autofinish feature, where it attempts to guess what you're going to say. My query began with "Has there ever been a..." and there were a few categories of response:

1. Natural Disasters- Has there ever been a 10.0 earthquake, an earthquake in Florida, or an F6 tornado. This seems entirely reasonable to look for, especially if you live in Florida.

2. Stuff about people- Has there ever been a single President, a perfect [NCAA] bracket, a trillionaire, or a black pope? The first two are reasonable, the second shows a fundamental misunderstanding of math, and the last one strikes me as potentially racist, depending on the persons purpose for looking it up.

3. WTF- "Has there ever been a zombie outbreak?" Wow, where to begin? Um, we're all alive, so no. I feel like, had there been one, we would have known about it, given that the world would have turned into an apocalyptic wasteland populated with droves of the undead. I mean...BRAINS! BRAINS!


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